Photo of Rado
Content Creator

Space cover image

November 2022 at Ayanza

🍂 November is slowly coming to an end. We have been hard at work making Ayanza even better, faster, and easier to use. Here are the most important updates you need to know about.

Write with AI assistance

Ayanza + AI = AY , our new AI assistant tool will help you write better content, inspire you, generate an article outline, brainstorm with you, and so much more! 🪄


AI as Your New Team Mate .

Be expressive in Ayanza

Ayanza allows you to be expressive in your virtual workplace.

  • 🙌 Recognize your colleague’s achievements by sending them kudos for their completed tasks.
  • 🖼️ Use images and GIFs in comments . Attach screenshots, project designs, or just more fun into the discussion.
  • 🤪 Add emoji icons to your spaces to add emotion and make them more easily recognizable. Space icons are now also displayed in the fullscreen view.
  • ✨ Use images , videos , and embeds in your spaces and notes to make your organization’s newsfeed shine !

Organize your knowledge easily

We have redesigned the space picker so that it is now easier to move things around and organize your knowledge base in Ayanza better.

  • 📁 See your whole organization structure at a glance and navigate it directly in the move picker
  • 🔍 Easily search for spaces and teams

And more

  • 📦 You can now group items in gallery view by a property. Use it, for example, to group your blog posts by their category.
  • 🏎️ Significant performance improvements throughout the whole app. Enjoy faster and smoother Ayanza experience.
  • ⛓️ We added a new property type “Space link”. It allows you to easily link your database items to spaces, such as linking each client in your Clients database to their own space.

We are working hard every day to make Ayanza more helpful and easier to use for you and your team. 🙌 Help us make it even better by joining our Discord community and sharing your feedback, or schedule a call

with our cofounder.