What Are Projects?
Projects are designed specifically for task management as containers for your tasks. You can think of a Project in two ways:
Project as an initiative consisting of a sequence of tasks that must be completed to attain a certain outcome (e.g. Campaign Launch)
Project as a collection of tasks that are related together (e.g. Bug Fixing).
What Are Project Properties?
Within any Project, your tasks are likely to have “defining details” such as Status, Priority, Assignee, Due Date… In Ayanza, we call these details Project Properties.
Each Ayanza Organization gets these default Project Properties at the start:
Status reflects the current stage of the task (e.g. Backlog, Todo, Done…)
Priority indicates the urgency of the task (No Priority / Low / Medium / High)
Assignee states who is responsible for completing the task
Due Date specifies the deadline for completing the task
Tags help to differentiate between the groups of related tasks - they may provide you with an additional inner structure of tasks within a Project
Here’s The Cool Part About Projects!
All the Projects share the SAME structure of Properties defined universally for your whole organization.
Having one uniform structure for all Projects means no more confusion about how to manage tasks, no matter who's doing it. This gives your whole organization superb clarity over your task management process:
All the tasks will move through the same stages (e.g. Backlog → Todo → In Progress → Done). You 🫵 decide what stages are important to you.
Looking at tasks across different Projects in one place will become a breeze.
People from different departments will be able to assign tasks to each other super effectively when they share the same task management framework.
BUT your Project doesn’t have to display all the global Properties if you don’t feel like it. When creating a new Project, you are always asked to pick the Properties from the global structure that you wish to use.
Define Your Global Structure Of Properties
Step 1
Navigate to PROJECTS in the left main navigation bar by clicking on the name itself.
Btw, this is a place where you can see tasks from all the Projects in one place → think of it as a global collection of all tasks from all Projects.
Step 2
Click on “⚙️” in the top-right corner of your screen to open Settings > All Projects and decide on the look and feel of your tasks.
Add A New Global Property
Click on “+Add Property” and pick a property that you wish your tasks to have.
Edit / Delete A Global Property
Click on “•••“ next to the property name to edit its name, or delete it forever.
Edit The Global Stages Of Your Process
Navigate to Status at the bottom to change the stages of your task management process.
Create a New Project
To create a Project in Ayanza, navigate to the PROJECTS section in the left main navigation bar and click on the +
Give your Project a proper name.
Choose initial Project Views (you can always change the Views later on).
Show Properties
Choose which global Properties you want to use in the Project.
Open Project for anyone, or a Closed one shared only with the members?
Add, Edit, or Archive a Task
To Add a New Task
Click on “+ Task“ in the top-right corner of your screen or right within the List / Table / … view.
To Open & Edit Task
Click on a task to open it in a side peek, where you can edit its properties, or jot down notes.
To Archive a Task
Click on the three dots “•••“ on the right side of any task to archive it.
View Tasks From All Projects In One Place
To view all tasks from the whole Organization (from all the Projects) aggregated in one place, navigate to ☑Tasks in the left main navigation bar.
There you can use Filters and Group By action to view the tasks of specific team members, your tasks from all the Projects, or perhaps tasks grouped by OKRs…
Viewing everyone’s tasks together in one place is possible thanks to having one global structure of Properties across all Projects.
Group Tasks By A Property
Almost every Project view allows you to use the Group By action, which is super useful for visualizing the tasks grouped by some Property. You can for instance:
Group tasks by their Assignee to see the workload of each person
Group tasks by their Status to see the progress of the Project
Group tasks by their OKR to see how tasks contribute to the higher goals
Task Prioritization And Sorting By Status
In Ayanza, each task is assigned a status, clearly indicating its stage in the project:
Backlog: The idea hub. Record tasks and ideas here, where they remain unsorted and unscheduled, awaiting prioritization.
Todo: This is your action queue, where tasks await their turn. Move tasks from 'Backlog' when ready to start, yet not yet begun or initiated.
In Progress: The active workspace. Shift tasks here when work starts, marking them as actively in progress.
In Review: Need a teammate's nod or a client's approval? Move tasks to 'In Review'. It’s perfect for tasks that need that extra glance.
Done: The finish line. Mark tasks here upon completion, signifying they meet all criteria. Time to celebrate!
Canceled: Plans change, and that's okay. Mark tasks that are no longer relevant as 'Canceled' to keep your list clean and up-to-date.
The real beauty of Ayanza lies in task sorting, directing your focus on the tasks that need it most:
At the very top, you have tasks 'In Review' because they are just one step from being finished - the most critical to address.
Below them are tasks 'In Progress', the ones you are actively working on.
Next come the 'Todo' tasks, your upcoming challenges.
Then, there's your 'Backlog', a treasure trove of ideas and potential.
And at the very bottom, the 'Canceled' tasks - requiring the least attention, as they no longer drive your project forward.
This system not only brings order to your workload but also ensures your focus is rightly placed, driving efficiency and success.
Transfer Tasks From Other Tool To Ayanza
You can transfer tasks to Ayanza from any other task management tool thanks to a CSV import functionality. Most of the popular task management tools (such as Trello, Asana,…) support CSV export, so you can easily export all your tasks and import them to Ayanza in a few clicks.
How to import CSV to Ayanza Project?
Create a new Project (navigate above ⬆️ if you don’t know how)
Open Project Settings by clicking on “⚙️” in the top-right corner of your screen
Click on the Import from CSV option
Follow the instructions to upload a CSV from your device and map the desired CSV columns to specific Project properties
Any Questions About Projects?
Join Ayanza Community to chat with anyone from our team, or feel free to book a call to talk with us.